Issue Fourteen

Whether it’s in a school, a sanctuary, an online community, or anywhere else, burnout is a possibility for everyone, and the fourteenth issue contains the stories of just how it’s touched some vegans. From an in-depth conversation with Michelle Carrera of Chilis on Wheels to a reflection on just what it means to lose a rescue animal, this issue helps to illustrate just why we need to talk about burnout and what it is we might be able to do to avoid it.

T.O.F.U. #14
80+ pages, full colour.
Suggested price: $5

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Image contains a dark red background with a silver fork coming up from the bottom of the frame. On the fork, a single piece of asparagus is visible. Both ends of the asparagus are burnt, and the right end has a small stream of smoke coming from it. Above the fork and the asparagus, there are two vertical blocks of text. The larger one on the left says "Smoke Signals". The word "smoke" is in white, and the word "signals" is in green. The smaller block of text says "Is burning out and fading away" in one line and "helping the animals" in another. The words "the animals" are in green. At the very top of the image, there is text that says "T.O.F.U." in white, and within that text there is more text that says "T.O.F.U. Magazine". Just below the white T.O.F.U., there is text that says "Issue 14 Burnout March 2019".