Viewing Archives for consumerism

The T.O.F.U. Grant: Round Six

lauren Ornelas from Food Empowerment Project

Choosing the T.O.F.U. grant recipient is always one part tough decision and one part random events. In the case of the newest recipient, finally meeting in Portland at the Resistance Ecology Conference by chance made the tough decision part a lot easier. Read More »

Life is a Highway: Interview with Kristin Lajeunesse

Photo of Kristin Lajeunesse from Will Travel for Vegan Food

Several years ago, Kristin Lajeunesse quit her job and jumped into a van to discover what America offered for vegans. T.O.F.U. highlighted the project, known as Will Travel for Vegan Food, while she was on the road. Now, Kristin updates the magazine on her life outside the van, and hints at what to expect in her book all about the journey. Read More »

“We may be slow, but we’re not stupid.” Right?

hopeful mess

“The only answer can be denial,” argues Paul Gilding, the veteran Australian environmentalist-entrepreneur, who described this moment in a new book called “The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shopping and the Birth of a New World.” Read More »

Bananas: A slippery slope

Hand silhouette behind banana leaf

You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you're grocery shopping and something seems too good to be true? Like a mango for less than a dollar, or a handful of kiwis for less than your bus fare? There's a reason for that. It is too good to be true. Read More »

Sympathy for the devil? Coconut Bliss & Dairy

Corporate Devil

Coconut Bliss, a vegan ice cream producer, recently acknowledged being owned by a dairy company. Of course, this opens a can of worms all too familiar to vegans: how do we ensure our purchases match our ethics? Read More »

Walmart: the new leader in health food?

Grocery store freezers

A few days ago the corporate giant that is Walmart announced a new initiative to try and improve the health of the nation. Given that they pull in billions every year in sales, and have the majority of North America covered in concrete and everyday low prices, it seems such a move just might be the kick in the butt the population needs to change their diet, right? Read More »