The #metoo Campaign

Another campaign to spread awareness of sexual assault and rape has gone viral, but what can we, specifically those in the vegan and animal rights community, do to help ensure such hashtags are not needed in the future? Read More »
WAIW | Our Heroes Are Problematic

The vegan/animal rights community continues to defend its leaders despite mounting evidence of their problematic actions and opinions. Today, Peter Singer is just another example of a problem that needs to be addressed. Read More »
PETA Doesn’t Get a Trump Card

Once again, I'm left shaking my head at a PETA campaign, and wondering why more people in the vegan community don't see the importance of considering the implications of single-issue activism. Read More »
I will not live in a vegan bubble

The recent PETA campaign, like so many before it, is causing a split in the vegan community, as well as other activist groups. Here at T.O.F.U., we're taking our stand on one side of the line, but we're sad to see that many vegans are on the other side. Read More »