TBT | I’m Really Vegan Now

Today's Throwback Thursday reminded me of a number of things, and it also led to me missing Doritos. Read More »
T.O.F.U. to hit the road in August (with your help?)

We've started working on the second T.O.F.U. tour. However, due to a lack of money and time, we're only going across Canada this time. Of course, just because it's a smaller tour doesn't mean we don't need help! So, please drop us a line if you're interested in working with us. Read More »
Lost in Montreal… quelle surprise!
Yeah, once again Montreal proved a formidable opponent in terms of proving to us that leaving directions on a Facebook message and using only what you can remember will lead you to a gas station on the other end of town. After some french-english mumbling between myself and the gas station attendant, and the purchasing of a atlas for the city ($13, really?) we finally found our home for the next two nights. Read More »