T.O.F.U. Holiday Sale Begins!

T.O.F.U. Issue 3 Cover Peppers

Hello all,
I just wanted to send out a little notice that I’ve added a few things to the store, and changed a few item’s prices to something no one can argue with, free.

So, if you were sad you didn’t pick up a T.O.F.U. shirt during the tour or perhaps you have been thinking about downloading one of the old cookbooks or the vegan dining guide to Halifax, might I suggest now is a good time to do so?

T.O.F.U. Store

Remember, nothing says “Happy Holidays!” like a few jolly peppers, right?

hope all is well,

PS. Expect another note on a tour I’m about to go on with a friend of mine. If you’re west of Halifax and east of Thunder Bay I just might be in your neighbourhood soon!

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