Viewing Archives for thailand

TBT | I Don’t Like Durian

Image contains a photo of a bearded white man pinching his nose and looking unhappy. To the right of the man, there is a black plastic tray of durian, which is a yellowish fruit shaped in large pieces.

After trying it several times in a number of different ways, I guess I'm just one of those vegans that doesn't like the king of fruit. Read More »

#OurNewNormal | Jessica Freedman of Phuket, Thailand

Image contains two equal panels. In the right-hand panel, there is a photo of a woman in a video conference. Just a little to the left of the woman, there is a small photo of a man with a white border around it. In the left-hand panel, there is black text on a pastel red background that says “T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Season 02 Episode 05 With Jessica Freedman of Phuket, Thailand”.

Jessica Freedman joins me to share what life has been like on the island of Phuket, Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More »

WAIW | Another Walk’N’Talk

Image contains a photo of the heads of two dogs looking at each other. In the background, there is an orange sunset.

Although things have been relatively quiet online, lots of stuff has been happening in the background. Today, I thought I would bring you up-to-date on at least some of it. Read More »

WAIW | Your Last Real Friend?

Image contains a patterned background.

Thanks to social media, lots of us connect with people daily. However, when was the last time you made a real friend and how did it happen? Read More »

WAIW | Lowering Expectations

Image contains a photo of a metal wall with pale water stains. To the left, the shadow of a tree branch and numerous leaves can be seen.

Facebook has me feeling down again, so I decided to talk a bit about that and find out whether or not you might have a solution. Read More »

WAIW | Then There Were Three

Image contains a photo of a dog with yellow fur and a red collar laying down on a tile floor in the foreground. In the background, the legs of a wooden chair and table can be see. Behind the furniture, a black dog is visible. Near the black dog, a toy truck is also visible.

I flew to Chiang Mai, Thailand yesterday and I was dreading facing the fact that another dog passed while I was away. However, I've been too busy dealing with something else to really face the loss so far. Read More »