Viewing Archives for vegan

WAIW | Working for the CIA

Photo of a dog with black and white markings on her face. She is laying on the ground and staring at the camera. There is white text in the foreground that says "Working for the CIA. Where Am I Wednesday"

Spoiler alert: I'm not being funded by the CIA to destabilize the vegan movement. Sorry to disappoint you. Read More »

T.O.F.U. Talks: Politics (With Dan Hanley)

Image contains a white background with black text that says "T.O.F.U. Talks" above a black line with a small indent in the centre pointing below to text that says "Politics (With Dan Hanley of The Gay Vegans)"

I'm going to start doing livestream chats with friends soon, and I'm happy to announce that my next one will be to talk politics with Dan Hanley of The Gay Vegans! Read More »

Sorry Vegans, But Your Perfection is in Another Castle

Image of a black background with white text that says "Sorry Vegans, But Your Perfection is in Another Castle"

Becoming vegan isn't the end of the game as many people seem to think it is. There's so much more that needs to be tackled before we reach a better world, and the sooner we realize this, the better we'll all be. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Almost There

Image contains a black background with a small bit of light brown peaking up from the bottom.

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future, and still the next issue has yet to be released. What's the deal? Find out in this quick update! Read More »

Review | Vegan For One

Image contains a photo of a single taco, guacamole, and a small salad on a plate. In the background, there is a glass of water with lime and a bowl of veggie ground beef. Text above the photo says "Hot tips and inspired recipes for cooking solo. Vegan For One. Ellen Jaffe Jones with Beverly Lynn Bennett."

Katie loved the premise of Vegan For One by Ellen Jaffe Jones when she first heard about it, but did she love the recipes? Find out in her newest review! Read More »

FBF | Veganism In An Oppressive World Talk

Image with a grey background and an illustration on the right third of a white hand holding a piece of string with animals attached to it dangling over a number of hands of different colours below. This illustration is accompanied with text that says “Veganism in an oppressive world. A vegans of colour community project. Edited by Julia Feliz Brueck.” To the left of the illustration and text is a vertical black bar with white text that says “Audio Only”. Further to the left, text says “A live chat presented by:” with two black and white logos for T.O.F.U. Magazine and Sanctuary Publishers below.

I finally managed to create a few videos out of some of the clips from the talk I had with Sanctuary Publishers and some of the authors of Veganism In An Oppressive World earlier this year, so it seemed like a perfect thing for a Flashback Friday! Read More »