Viewing Archives for vida vegan

#OurNewNormal | Janessa Philemon-Kerp of Portland, Oregon

Image contains two equal panels. In the right-hand panel, there is a photo of a woman in a video conference. Just a little to the left of the woman, there is a small photo of a man with a white border around it. In the left-hand panel, there is white text on a pastel orange background that says “T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Season 02 Episode 03 With Janessa Philemon-Kerp of Portland, Oregon”.

I catch-up with another Vida Vegan Con friend, Janessa Philemon-Kerp, to talk life in Portland, Oregon during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More »

TBT | The Inspiration for Issue Eleven

Photo of Sayward Rebhal of Bonzai Aphrodite

The focus of T.O.F.U. #11 might be a new topic to some, but the idea behind the issue came from a post published by a friend over four years ago. Read More »

TBT | Biting Off More Than I Thought I Could Chew

Cover for 1st VVC Talk

Over the years, T.O.F.U. has led to me having plenty of great moments, and one that stands out happened in 2013 at the second Vida Vegan Conference. Read More »

#TBT | The Body Image Issue

Issue seven of the vegan magazine T.O.F.U.

It's been three years this week since I released the seventh issue of the magazine, which focused on fat shaming and body image issues within the vegan community. It's still one of the most popular issues, so it seemed appropriate to recall it on this Throwback Thursday. Read More »

Life After Vida Vegan Con

Ryan Patey's first talk at the Vida Vegan Conference

The third Vida Vegan Conference ended this past weekend, and with it the conference itself gave its last bow. Now, although the memories are many, I think it's the inspiration that will continue to play a part in my life, along with so many others. Read More »

Post-VVC: Where Are You Now?

Somewhere between Denver and Portland.

I should have posted this soon after the Vida Vegan Conference, especially since it turns out I basically had it completely written, but somehow time slipped by. So, what have you done with that time? Read More »