Writers wanted for issue #8!

Summer is heading to Montreal (or maybe it’s already here?) and what better way for me to spend the coming warm days than in front of my computer working on a new issue? Of course, those hours will be a lot better if I can get some awesome articles, recipes, and other things to work with! And that’s why I’m looking for people like you to contribute to the new issue.
Submission Guidelines
Don’t head to the contact page just yet though! In order to make this whole thing a little easier on everyone, there are a few guidelines to follow:
- Read some of the past issues so you’ll know what has been done, and you will also understand what it is I’m looking for.
- Send a few ideas. If you’re truly committed to one, and you have some past experience with the topic, then pitch it by all means. However, if you just want to write about something related to veganism, then give me a range of interests and I’ll help you figure out an article.
- Quality and quantity. Although the word count is flexible, you should be comfortable with the idea of writing at least a couple of pages. Unless it’s a recipe. Those shouldn’t be more than a page.
- Original content. If it’s an amazing piece that you don’t think received enough attention on your blog, you might sway me, but new ideas will get a better reception for sure.
- Unpublished content. If you’ve had something published for another publication already, please don’t send it my way. It could get messy, and I can’t afford a lawyer or an apologetic fruit basket if another mag gets upset.
- Get excited. I don’t want to have to chase after you about the piece. Sure, I’ll send an email here or there, but if you’re not really into the idea or something comes up and life gets in the way, please let me know. This is supposed to be fun for everyone involved!
- Eat your veggies. Maybe this goes without saying, but you should be vegan. However, given a preference toward considering the intersectionality of a number of issues, a case could be made to include articles from an outside perspective. No, this doesn’t include anything that will start with “So, you’re stranded on a desert island and all you have is a cow…”
Good to go?
If this doesn’t scare you away, and I really hope it doesn’t, then send me your pitch and we’ll talk veganism, cats, and more!