The Complete T.O.F.U. is Free (For Now)

Given everything that has happened over the last while involving the COVID-19 pandemic (depending on where you are, it’s either been a week or two or far longer), there hasn’t been a lot of good news. Of course, with the scale of things and the fact that it’s going to get worse before it (possibly) gets better, I guess that shouldn’t be a surprise.
That being said, I have to admit that it’s been at least a little reaffirming to see communities come together to help each other, especially when many politicians and leaders seem to be doing little.
As always, times like this help to show us that the real power is in the people. Not only that, but they also serve as a reminder that the change we fight for is possible, and once it happens we need to keep pushing to make sure it isn’t taken back.
In an effort to help inspire that push, and to simply keep folks busy while they stay home, I’ve decided to offer the complete T.O.F.U. set through the same pay-what-you-can model I’ve been using for single issues for years now.
So, if you haven’t already read all fifteen of the past issues, then now you can without having to spend a penny. Of course, if you do want to pay for it, then that option is available too. Just head over to the online store, drop the set into your cart, and away you go.
Finally, be safe, stay home, wash your hands, and avoid other people, if at all possible.