WAIW | Semi-Locked Down in Vietnam

Image contains a photo of a small padlock with a key placed next to it.

It’s obviously been far too long since I’ve written here, but I’ve got a number of reasons for that. Perhaps surprisingly, the biggest one has been the fact that I’m continuing to have issues with Facebook and the magazine’s page, so my interest in creating content has dwindled since I no longer have reliable access to my biggest audience. Hopefully, that will be fixed at some point, but until then I have to admit that I’m more interested in working on things over on my own blog.

On a more global note, the COVID-19 pandemic has things messed-up for everyone, and that hasn’t helped me stay focused long enough to try and write more here either. That being said, I am thinking about trying to restart my call for submissions for the next issue, but time will tell. On the one hand, I feel like lots of folks may now have time on their hands to write pieces. On the other hand, I feel like there are more important things to focus on right now other than writing for an online magazine.

Enough of the rambling update though!

It’s Wednesday again, and that means another Where Am I Wednesday episode. As I mentioned before, I’m no longer posting them all on the T.O.F.U. social media, so you can now find each episode over at my own site and on the related social there.

For this week though, I felt like I should share the episode here as well since it provides at least somewhat of an update on how things are for millions of others and myself here in Vietnam during all of this. If you’re curious, here’s the video.

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