What happens in Vegas…

It seems the change from Vegas being a seedy strip of buffets and greasy food to a culinary hotspot has led to the addition of numerous vegan options on the menus of at least one famous chain.
Mogul Steve Wynn, rumoured to have gone vegan himself, recently announced that every restaurant at his Vegas properties would now offer vegan options. Everything from the buffet to the dessert table will now include animal-free options for those looking to feel good about at least a few of the choices they make in Sin City.
I’ve written before about the slow transition of Veganism into the mainstream, be it simple references in movies or literature or clear notations on menus, but this one is surely a big step in the right direction. Wynn has always been known for being a trendsetter, and some are speculating that this may lead to other local Vegas hotspots adopting the same idea.
Of course, I wouldn’t go placing any bets on the $2.99 midnight steak being replaced anytime soon.
Casino Mogul Takes Gamble on Vegan Dishes