The Latest Where Am I Wednesday is Now on YouTube

I just posted the latest episode of my Where Am I Wednesday vegan travel series on the magazine’s YouTube channel, and you can check it out here.
As you may have read last week, I’ve been focusing on finishing the new issue, so I haven’t explored much of Ireland since I arrived a little over two weeks ago.
Luckily, I have been able to get to know the lovely dog I’m taking care of, which is one of the biggest benefits of travelling as a house/pet sitter. So, since I don’t have much to show in the way of food or green hillsides, I thought I would share some of the fun I’ve been having with Bru while hanging out with him in a town called Lucan.
Otherwise, as I mention in the video, the house sit ends this Sunday, and I’ll be attending Dublin VegFest that day. Soon after, I’ll be hopping on a plane to fly into England through Manchester. So, if all goes well, the next update will be coming from another country!
As a side note, I’ve fallen in love with Alpro yogurt, and I’m really hoping I can continue to enjoy it during my time in other parts of Europe over the next few months! Seriously, it puts the yogurts back home in Canada to shame, and I’m going to miss it whenever it disappears from the grocery stores I’m near.