T.O.F.U. #11 | Table of Contents

When I first put out the call for submissions for issue #11, I knew what I was looking for, but (as always) I didn’t know exactly what I was going to get.
Similar to past issues of the magazine, issue #11 focuses on a topic that I feel isn’t given enough of a voice within the vegan community, and soon after I put up the submissions post, I was met with a resounding agreement from pretty much every author as they wrote me to explain their personal issues and a desire to share some part of them with T.O.F.U.’s readers.
As always, I was looking forward to that moment when I would get a personal piece that would really make me feel something, and, not surprisingly given the subject matter, it happened a few times for this round of submissions.
Now, all of those pieces are finalized, and illustrations and photographs have been paired with each (more on that in another post). Sure, I still have to do a final round of edits (there’s always some little thing!) and send each piece back to its respective author for final approval, but the table of contents as you see it above is pretty much as it will be in the magazine.
You can find a larger version of the above image here. Otherwise, the simple text version is as follows:
- The Vegan Prescription | Amanda Lily
- From Silent to Stentorian | Nichole Dinato
- All the Small Things | Sarah Louise
- Doing the Least Harm | Keira Edwards-Huolohan
- No-Bull Barcelona Guide | Caitlin Galer-Unti
- The Broken-Hearted Vegan | Raymond Walker
- Facing Failing Health as a Vegan | Sayward Rehbal
- My Disease, My Body | Marieke Gruwel
- When is Food Photography Life and Death? | Marika Collins
- Damneder If You Don’t | Michele Truty
Editor’s Note: If you’re interested in reading this issue, it’s now available in the online store to download for whatever price you want to pay, including free.
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