TBT | Puppy Attack!

Given that I’ve been housesitting for a few years now, I’ve had plenty of experiences with animals excitedly requesting my attention through a number of means, but I never get tired of it. From first meetings with super friendly furballs to return engagements with nervous ones who still remember me, it’s always nice to feel that kind of love and excitement from another living creature.
Of course, you probably already know this. So, I guess I can stop myself from writing further about the wonderful virtues of dogs, right?
How about just a little more? Yeah? Okay!
As I hit the one year mark for housesitting in SE Asia a little while ago, one thing I may not have really mentioned is that I’ve been able to accomplish staying so long in this part of the world partially because of booking multiple sits with the same people and animals. One of those families you may already be familiar with through all my other posts, but one dog that I only recently reunited with is a darling named Charlie. Right now, she just happens to be sleeping on her cushion close to me, and it’s been great to spend time with her again after basically a year.
Even better? Charlie, a rather nervous dog who sometimes won’t even go out to pee when she hears a strange noise, remembered me and was pretty much back to licking me and curling up near my feet minutes after our reunion a little over a week ago. Needless to say, it made me smile to see her tail wag and know that she knew my face.
So, for this Throwback Thursday, I thought I would go back to the first time I hung out with the dog I’ve taken to calling a kangaroo and show you just what a little time with Charlie can be like.