#OurNewNormal | Kristin Lajeunesse of Las Vegas, Nevada

Image contains two equal panels. In the right-hand panel, there is a photo of a woman in a video conference. Just a little to the right and above the woman, there is a small photo of a man with a white border around it. In the left-hand panel, there is white text on a light-green background that says “T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Season Two Episode 09 With Kristin Lajeunesse of Las Vegas, Nevada”.

Originally streamed live on Facebook on April 25th, this episode sees me catching-up with fellow vegan traveller, Kristin Lajeunesse of Will Travel For Vegan Food, to see what life has been like in Las Vegas during the COVID-19 pandemic. From the strip shutting down to living life in one spot for awhile, Kristin shares plenty to illustrate her new normal.

For more on Kristin, please visit her website.

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