Viewing Archives for magazine

TBT | Crowdfunding Success

Cover for TBT Crowdfunding Success

A little over a year ago, T.O.F.U.'s first crowdfunding campaign became a success. Now, I'm hoping to repeat that accomplishment through a platform that offers a more long-term solution. Read More »

Subscriptions Now Available for T.O.F.U.

Cover for Patreon launch

It's something folks have been asking for for years, and I'm happy to say I finally offer it! That's right, you can now subscribe to T.O.F.U., and doing so means you're helping bring the magazine to print on a permanent basis. Read More »

#TBT | A New Direction for T.O.F.U.

Cover for issue six of T.O.F.U. Magazine

The T.O.F.U. Magazine you know today has changed a lot over the years, but no change was more significant than the one that happened in an issue that was released half a decade ago on this day. Read More »

Issue #11 | Another Update

Rabbit and medication illustration by Matt Gauck

Find out what's been delaying the newest issue from publication, and learn just what the next step is to getting it published! Read More »

#TBT | Taking the Leap

A canoe on Thorburn Lake, Newfoundland and Labrador

I'm facing another big decision, both for myself personally and for the magazine, and it's reminding me a lot of a moment on some rocks back home a few months ago. Read More »

Two Years Ago, I Quit My “Real” Job

RyanAir flight from Dublin, Ireland

It's hard to believe how much time has passed since I made the decision to focus on the magazine and be my own boss. Of course, it's also hard to believe just how much has happened in that time as well. Read More »