Viewing Archives for capitalism

WAIW | Intent Vs. Impact

Image contains a series of orange-red tiles with a black and white dog laying down in the bottom-right hand corner. On the left side, a series of metal dog bowls sit empty.

Lately, I've stumbled and made mistakes, especially in areas I know little about. As much as it hurts to do so, I am taking the opportunity to learn from the experiences while also acknowledging the mess I made. Today, I'm attempting to do it again. Read More »

WAIW | Tech Waste

Image contains a grey MacBook Pro being held at an angle by a hand against a brown background.

The issues with my laptop and phone are not exactly new, but today they were far too frequent to ignore. So, in an effort to get something positive out of my frustration, they inspired the latest Where Am I Wednesday episode. Read More »