Don’t judge a book by its cover(age)

As great as it is to have someone like Steve Wynn turn vegan, and then add vegan options to all of his restaurants throughout Las Vegas, it is sad to note that the reason he turned vegan may be a little misleading. Read More »
Meatless moguls: CEOs and celebs turning vegan
Although I’m not sure which I find more annoying these days, PETA offering to pay for Lohan’s rehab or the previous chatter about Bill Clinton and Mike Tyson turning vegan, I have to admit that this recent trend of big names giving up the animal in their diet is a positive thing. I’ve always talked […]
Las Vegan: Steve Wynn’s winning streak

This past summer I wrote about a wonderful announcement by Steve Wynn regarding his hotel chain in Vegas and how they would all now include vegan menu options. Read More »
What happens in Vegas…

Mogul Steve Wynn, rumoured to have gone vegan himself, recently announced that every restaurant at his Vegas properties would now offer vegan options. Everything from the buffet to the dessert table will now include animal-free options for those looking to feel good about at least a few of the choices they make in Sin City. Read More »