Viewing Archives for travel

WAIW | Harvesting Jackfruit

Image contains a large, leafy green tree in the background. In the foreground, there is a man on the left wearing a face mask. The man is holding a large spiny light green fruit to his right, and there is a dog with black patches around her eye that is looking directly at the man.

With less than a week left here in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I decided to take today to try harvesting one of the jackfruits on the property. Read More »

WAIW | The Worst Air in the World?

Image contains a photo of a man on the left-hand side wearing a face mask over his mouth and nose. To the right of the man, a hazy sky is visible above some trees in the horizon, a green rice field, and a narrow road.

Recently, Chiang Mai, Thailand had the worst air quality in the world, so I decided to take another WAIW episode to talk about the burning season. Read More »

WAIW | Burning Season in Chiang Mai

Image contains two photos that split the screen horizontally. The photo above shows green rice fields with trees and some buildings in the distance. Farther away in the background, a large dark hill can be seen below some blue clouds. The photo below that contains a similar scene, but the hill is no longer visible and the sky is grey and hazy.

When planning your travels, you're bound to get plenty of warnings from people about things to avoid. Find out in this week's WAIW episode just why burning season should be one of them. Read More »

WAIW | Dealing With Ghosts

Image contains four silver dog bowls from a birds-eye view. The bowls are on an off-white countertop.

If ghosts are what's left behind after a loss, then I've been dealing with a bunch of them lately. Read More »

WAIW | A Sudden Loss

Image contains a white dog centred in the photo. The dog is looking to the right of the camera, and he's laying on green grass with trees in the background.

After four years of housesitting and countless cats and dogs coming and going in my life during my travels, this morning I was finally faced with the difficult task of starting the day with one less animal in my care than the day before. Read More »

Vegan Travel | Canada & Back Again

Image contains two beaches blending into one another in the middle of the picture. The beach on the left has sand that arches upward to the right, and there are palm trees lining the shore. The beach on the right has sand that arches upward to the right where it meets the edge of the other beach. Along the edge of the beach, there are sand dunes and evergreen trees with a few people walking on the shore.

Last year was great for so many reasons, including a trip back home to Canada and plenty of amazing meals. Find out some of the highlights in the latest episode of the Vegan Travel series. Read More »