WAIW | A Sudden Loss

Image contains a white dog centred in the photo. The dog is looking to the right of the camera, and he's laying on green grass with trees in the background.

It’s been a long day or two here in Chiang Mai, Thailand during my latest housesit, and that’s saying something given how the last few weeks have been.

After losing the stray that we were trying to rescue soon after I arrived, I should have maybe taken it as an omen for bad things to come. However, I don’t think much could have prepared me for what happened last night. Given that I’ve never directly dealt with the loss of an animal (or even really any key people in my life), being present while one of the animals I’ve cared for numerous times passed away is something I’m still coming to terms with.

And I’ll probably be doing that for quite some time.

So, when I woke-up this morning knowing that I had to shoot an episode for my Where Am I Wednesday series, there was no doubt that it would involve me talking about just what happened and what it meant for the sit and myself in the future.

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