Viewing Archives for veganism

Review | Veganism, Sex and Politics

Image contains a book cover with the words "Veganism Sex and Politics" written in bold white letters with a black border near the top. Below this, the words "tales of danger and pleasure" are written in a smaller black font made to look like handwriting.

Stepping away from the usual cookbook reviews by Katie, find out what Ryan thought of Veganism, Sex and Politics. Read More »

WAIW | Fake News From the Left?

Image contains a photo of two dogs being walked. One dog is all black and the other is a dark yellow. The two dogs are on leashes, which can be seen coming from the bottom of the screen toward the dogs. In the background, there is a small road, blue sky, and trees and bushes.

Whether you're on the right or the left, sharing content without critically viewing it is a dangerous habit to get into. Given what we're fighting for, it's something we all have to try and stop. Read More »

WAIW | Until It’s Gone

Image contains a photo of wooden siding with a dark brown colour. Various blemishes are visible on the boards.

For many of you, access to clean water is a given. Sadly, for plenty of other people (including myself up until an hour or so ago), that access isn't guaranteed. Read More »

Rant or Rave | A New YouTube Series

Image contains a white background with black text on the left-hand side that says "1 Min Rant or Rave". On the right-hand side, there is text that says "DIY It Don't Buy It". Between the blocks of text, there is a vertical black line with a small indent in the centre pointing to the right.

T.O.F.U. has a new series on YouTube. Well, actually it's a little old, but according to the blog it's new! Read More »

T.O.F.U. Talks: Defining Activism

Image contains a white background with black text that says "T.O.F.U. Talks" above a black line with a small indent in the centre pointing below to text that says "Fat Positivity (With Amanda Lily, Personal Trainer & Health Coach)".

The latest T.O.F.U. Talks episode is now available. This time around I talked with my good friend, Amanda Lily, about who gets to decide whether or not you're an activist. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #15 | Pitch Deadline

Image contains a notepad with illegible text in black ink and a pen on the left-hand side.

The deadline for pitching ideas for the fifteenth issue is only a day away, but that means there's still time to get in touch. Read More »