Tech Talk with the Vida Vegan Conference

I'm way behind on posting this one, but, since the Vida Vegan Blogger's Conference is just around the corner, I figured I might as well put it out there. Read More »
Behind the lines: Vida Vegan Conference

Get to know the three ladies behind one of the best vegan things to be happening this year, Vida Vegan Con. If you don't know what that is, or you have yet to buy your ticket, now is your chance to find out plenty of reasons why you need to be in Portland this August. Read More »
Portland, OR (Aug 2011) or Bust!
As if Portland did not have enough great vegan things going on, some fine folks have decided that the city needs at least one more thing to lure us all there: Vida Vegan Blogger Conference I’m happy to say that they are doing a great job at just that, and I am amongst those who […]