Las Vegan: Steve Wynn’s winning streak

This past summer I wrote about a wonderful announcement by Steve Wynn regarding his hotel chain in Vegas and how they would all now include vegan menu options.
Well, it appears Mr. Wynn is having great success with the changes, and his decision to go vegan has also made quite the impression on his health and his life. Granted, as he admits, he has access to some of the best chefs in the world 24/7, but it seems the change from an omnivorous diet to that of a herbivore led to health benefits even access to some of the best doctors could not have provided.
Sure, this may not come as a surprise to most of us who have been reading about or living the benefits of a vegan diet for some time, but it is nice to see such a thing in a city known for far less healthy activities.
Now, if only I could get them to fly me down there to review their menu…