Shirt models needed

It’s true, the T.O.F.U. tour has ended, Vida Vegan Con has come and gone, and now we’re almost back to our regular lives. But that’s a whole other story, which I hope to explain sometime soon.
For now, I just wanted to put out the notice that we are looking for a few models to help us sell what is left of the 2011 tour shirts. Sure, we could simply go with the info and pics that are posted through the online store, but where’s the fun in that? Plus, the actual shirts have different colours and we don’t want people to buy something they have not seen!
Instead, we’re hoping that a few kind souls who bought the shirts along the way, or those who may currently be sharing the same city as me (Vancouver) might be interested in helping to promote the new designs. All it takes is a couple pictures with you in the shirt, and we can do the rest!
So, please drop me a line if you’re willing to help us out. If you’re in Vancouver, perhaps we can grab a slice of pizza at Vegan Pizza House?