All About Vegan Food Learns All About T.O.F.U.

With the new issue coming out next week (fingers crossed!), I’m hoping there will be at least a few more press-related pieces to report on the blog, but this one gets first notice.
I’ve been lucky enough to have so many great folks offer to write for the magazine over the years, and it’s always been inspiring to read about the things that they’re doing within (and outside of) the vegan community. Of course, what makes me even happier is to see what they do after writing for the magazine.
One such person is Glauce Ferrari. She wrote a great piece on being vegan in Brazil in the last issue and she has since gone on to start an international vegan package swap, which everyone should check out and sign-up for!
And then, while you’re waiting for your package to arrive in the mail, maybe you can check out the answers I had for her in the interview?