Q & A for Vegan for all Seasons

Recently, I noticed some traffic to the blog coming from Vegan for all Seasons, a website run by Annika Lundkvist from New England. It seems Annika had done a lot of research for a post on magazines about veganism, and T.O.F.U. had been included in the list.
Needless to say, as excited as I was to be included, I was probably more excited about how long the list was! Even better, she had done a number of Q & As with some of the publishers, and those were included too. Basically, it’s a great resource for those looking to get an idea of what vegan magazines are out there, and it also gives you a chance to learn more about the people behind them!
After thanking Annika for including me, and offering to answer any questions she might have, I’m happy to say I’m now in the Q & A section as well. Here’s one question from the interview:
What needs and desires does T.O.F.U. Magazine satisfy for its readers?
At this point, I think the typical T.O.F.U. reader is someone who isn’t looking for reasons to become a vegan. They already are, and most likely have been for some time. With this in mind, the magazine aims to address issues beyond veganism that are somehow related and should be considered within a person’s activism. Basically, I’m not trying to convince someone about what they should have for dinner, I’m hoping to show them reasons why their activism should go beyond what’s already on their plate.
If you’re interested, you can find the whole thing here. Also, if you find the list useful, be sure to thank Annika for all her work, and keep an eye out on her site in the future for follow-up pieces with many of the publishers!