#OurNewNormal | Charlotte Hubbard of Leeds, United Kingdom

Image contains centred white text on a dark blue background that says “T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Season 03 Episode 01 With Charlotte Hubbard of Leeds, United Kingdom”.

Starting the new season of #OurNewNormal, a T.O.F.U. Talks limited series, I chat with Charlotte Hubbard from the United Kingdom about her personal experience in Leeds during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether she’s dealing with the shift from office work to a kitchen office, or learning to slow down and take things as they come, Charlotte sheds some light on what’s involved with her new normal.

For more on Charlotte, please check out her Instagram.

Recording Date: April 25, 2020

Note: technical difficulties led to the last 4-5mins being difficult to understand. Sorry.

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