Viewing Archives for Review

Review: Rawmazing by Susan Powers

Cover of Rawmazing

Katie did a lot of the testing for this book over the hottest part of the summer, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy these recipes, including the free Jicama Salad one, all year round! Read More »

Review: Plant Power

Cover of Plant Power

Katie sees Nava Atlas' newest book, Plant Power, as not only being a great introduction to veg cooking, but also a fine foundation to explore plenty of interesting creations. Find out her favourites and try a recipe yourself in her newest review. Read More »

Review: Rawsome Vegan Baking

Cover of Rawsome Vegan Baking

Although she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, Katie found plenty to enjoy in Emily's raw dessert book, and she thinks you will too. Read More »

Review: My New Roots

Cover for My New Roots by Sarah Britton

Labels can be tricky things, and "vegan" certainly falls into that category. Of course, when you mix in things like "plant-based" and "whole foods", there's bound to be miscommunication. In the case of My New Roots, both Katie and I thought these moments of confusion would be great for a bigger conversation. Read More »

Review: The Nut Butter Cookbook

Cover for The Nut Butter Cookbook

Katie thinks this past cookbook from Robin Robertson deserves a spot on your shelf next to her latest, Vegan Without Borders, and there are plenty of reasons why. Read More »

Review: Plant-Powered Families

Cover for Dreena Burton's Plant-Powered Families

Dreena Burton's newest book, Plant-Powered Families, is made for children and picky eaters alike. With that in mind, Katie took the challenge of revisiting a number of hated childhood foods, and was quite pleased with the results. Read More »