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Issue Six: It’s Alive!

T.O.F.U. six front cover small

The sixth issue is finally available through our online story. We delayed its release long enough, so there is no long-winded intro for this one. Just click, choose your price (free is fine!), and enjoy. Read More »

Issue Six Tease: Vegan Borderlands

Issue six article tease

"Being a vegan is as much an identity to me as being a poet, being a Boriqua/Chicana and living on the borderlands, both literally and queerly speaking. The work I do on domestic violence, DIY (do it yourself) media and racial inequalities is just as important as my veganism." Read More »

New issue before the new year!

Issue six cover tease

Issue six is coming out this week, which should help cure the typical holiday letdown that happens right after all the craziness. With so many new articles, recipes, and tips we're sure it will lead to plenty of great things for you to think about heading into the new year. Read More »

So, I’m moving to South Korea


I'm moving to South Korea, and this means plenty of changes for T.O.F.U. One thing I can say for sure is that issue six will be released, possibly before I leave. However, I don't know where things will go from there. Read More »

Shirts now available

New 2011 T.O.F.U. tour shirts

I met a few volunteer models for some pizza and photos earlier this week, and thanks to their efforts we now have pictures of our shirts on real people! So, check them out soon since there are only a handful of shirts remaining. Read More »

Alive and well in Portland

Hey everyone, We made it to Portland yesterday, and we’re busy eating and enjoying the sunshine. Going to register for the conference within the hour, and then the craziness begins. Kira will hopefully have some pictures to share soon, and I have some more video from the Toronto and Vancouver shows. Thanks again for all […]