T.O.F.U. #13 | Meet the Authors

Cover for Issue 12 Meet the Authors

I've got some great comments from folks about the content within the latest issue, so I thought now would be a great time to highlight the people who provided so much of it. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Issue Preview

Image contains a dark background with a peach pt in the middle. The pit has been cut open to show the light brown seed. Above the pit, there is text that says "T.O.F.U. #13" in white and "Issue Preview" in light brown.

Curious to see what the new issue looks like before you head to the online store to download it? Well, you're in luck! Check out the first three articles in this online preview. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Now Available

It's here! It's here! It's finally here! Download the latest issue, which focuses on disordered eating and veganism, to see just what the authors and artists created. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Cover Reveal

Although some visual elements of the new issue are still being finalized, the cover has been done for a little while now. With that in mind, I'm happy to finally share it with you! Read More »

WAIW | Tech Waste

Image contains a grey MacBook Pro being held at an angle by a hand against a brown background.

The issues with my laptop and phone are not exactly new, but today they were far too frequent to ignore. So, in an effort to get something positive out of my frustration, they inspired the latest Where Am I Wednesday episode. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | The First Article

Image contains an illustration with a green background around a rectangular board with a series of tiles and pegs on it. Near the top, a small grey emoticon with a concerned look is entering the board and headed downward. The series of squares are paired from the top to the bottom with shades of red on the left and shades of blue on the right. From left to right, the tiles include a person hugging a heart, a few pills, a magazine with a far person on the cover, a tile with "Try the vegan cure! Go vegan! Be thin" written on it, an image with three people holding hands, a television with a headless and legless fat person shown, a tile with "#bodyacceptance", and a tile with "#oilfree, #soyfree, #sugarfree". Below the tiles, there is a gradient going from light red on the left to dark red on the right. On the far left of the gradient, there is a smiling emoticon. In the middle, there is an image of a stick figure. Finally, on the far right, there is a frowning emoticon.

The next issue is almost done, so I thought I should give you a chance to read the first article to get an idea of just what to expect from T.O.F.U. #13. Read More »