T.O.F.U. #13 | Meet the Authors

People are giving great feedback on the latest issue, and I believe a lot of credit can go to the folks who decided to write about their personal experiences with eating disorders and recovery as vegans.
With that in mind, I thought now might be a great time to introduce you to the writers of T.O.F.U. #13. For those interested, I’ve included links for each of them, so you can find out more about them beyond these simple bios.
Hannah-Phoebe Bowen
Hannah-Phoebe is a herbalist and astrologer based in London, UK. She can occasionally be found taking awkward pictures of her food for her instagram account.
ig: @hannahphoebeb
Muffy J. Davis
Muffy J. Davis (formerly Lacy J. Davis) is a writer, podcaster, and lifting coach. She owns a gym called Liberation Barbell and wrote a book called Ink in Water: An illustrated Memoir (Or, How I Kicked Anorexia’s Ass and Embraced Body Positivity). She loves dogs, tacos, and queer theory, and hopes to treat her body with as much compassion as humanly possible until the end of her days.
w: lacyjdavis.com | ig: @muffyjdavis
Kristy Draper
Kristy Draper is a vegan lifestyle coach & educator, as well as a cooking coach and mentor. She is currently earning a Master of Arts in Humane Education through the institute for Humane Education, where she is studying the connections between humans, non-human animals, the environment, and our culture. She lives in Vancouver, Washington, USA with her husband, three rescued companion cats, and a feisty rescued guinea pig.
ig: @vegfullife | t: @vegfullife | fb: kristy.seisdraper
Lisa Febre
Lisa Febre is a professional musician living in Los Angeles, California, USA, who also enjoys writing in her spare time. In 2007, she started “The Valley Vegan†blog, which chronicles her adventures in vegan dining at non-vegan restaurants. The lone vegan in her family, she also likes to explore the ways in which we can be better advocates for animals without alienating the people we love.
w: thevalleyvegan.com | fb & ig: @thevalleyvegan
Pamela Fergusson
Pamela Fergusson is a vegan Registered Dietitian with a PhD in nutrition. She is in private practice in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Pamela loves to speed walk and bake with her four kids.
w: pamelafergusson.com | fb: drpamelard | ig: @drpamela.rd
Rachael McBride
Rachael is a Registered Dietitian in Dallas, Texas, USA. She specializes in eating disorders and vegetarian nutrition. She lives with two cats, two dogs, and one human.
w: rachaelmcbride.com | t: @rachaelmcbrd | fb: @rachaelMcbriderd
Lyndsay Penner
Lyndsay Penner has worked as a counsellor for ten years, tour managed for musicians across Canada, the USA, and Europe for four, and has followed a vegan diet for six. She has found connection to herself through yoga, writing, and activism. Lyndsay shares her own vulnerabilities, struggles, and opinions on her blog as well as her personal Instagram account, and she showcases her delicious food pictures on her vegan account.
w: becauseitscaresme.com | ig: @becauseitscaresme and @lp_vegan
Jackie Stanley
Jackie Stanley is a multidisciplinary artist who has performed in the band Cursed Arrows since 2007. She opened a vegan apparel shop, Cursed Arrows Trading Company, in 2017, and is hard at work writing her first novel.
etsy: cursedArrows | yt: thecursedarrows
Rey Weyler
Rey Weyler has been vegan for about five years. They are the proud parent of two rescue horses who they work with at liberty to ensure that their happiness and well-being always comes first. Rey also writes a lot of poetry, some related to activist themes and some more based on personal themes.
ig: @reynbowanarchy & @reynbowink | tumblr: @reynbowink
Taylor Wolfram
Taylor is a registered dietitian nutritionist who uses a non-diet approach to health and wellness and provides virtual lifestyle coaching to help clients prioritize self-care, ditch dieting, and make peace with food and their bodies.
w: wholegreenwellness.com | fb: wholegreenwellness | t: @taylorwolframrd | ig: @taylorwolframrd
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