Viewing Archives for athens

WAIW | A Year of Travel

Cover for A Year of Travel

A year ago, I left Canada for Ireland. Today, I left my latest house sit to get a haircut and talk a little about how I've managed to stay on the move for so long. Read More »

Aegina Island for Vegans

Aegina Island for Vegans

Along with Athens, my sister and I spent time on Aegina Island while in Greece, and I had a number of great meals there too. Plus, there were stray cats and sunsets to make our little adventure even better! Read More »

A Vegan in Athens, Greece

The Acropolis in Athens, Greece

I spent a little over two weeks in Greece, and most of that time was in Athens. I explored plenty of fun things around the city, and I also ate lots of interesting stuff. On top of that, I took care of ten cats. Yes, they're in this blog post too. Read More »