Viewing Archives for health

T.O.F.U. #13 | The First Article

Image contains an illustration with a green background around a rectangular board with a series of tiles and pegs on it. Near the top, a small grey emoticon with a concerned look is entering the board and headed downward. The series of squares are paired from the top to the bottom with shades of red on the left and shades of blue on the right. From left to right, the tiles include a person hugging a heart, a few pills, a magazine with a far person on the cover, a tile with "Try the vegan cure! Go vegan! Be thin" written on it, an image with three people holding hands, a television with a headless and legless fat person shown, a tile with "#bodyacceptance", and a tile with "#oilfree, #soyfree, #sugarfree". Below the tiles, there is a gradient going from light red on the left to dark red on the right. On the far left of the gradient, there is a smiling emoticon. In the middle, there is an image of a stick figure. Finally, on the far right, there is a frowning emoticon.

The next issue is almost done, so I thought I should give you a chance to read the first article to get an idea of just what to expect from T.O.F.U. #13. Read More »

WAIW | Vegans Get Sick

Picture of a sad white man with a beard against a wall.

Despite what the Internet might tell you, vegans can get sick. I should know, I'm sick right now. Read More »

WAIW | 3 Issues With Full-Time Travel

White text with the words "3 Issues With Full-Time Travel" and "Where Am I Wednesday" on a blue background

Travelling for the long-term isn't all beaches and rainbows. Given that I headed to the airport early this morning with a head cold, I thought I would take today's episode to talk about some of the problems I've run into myself. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Update

Cover for T.O.F.U. 13 Update

It's been too long since I last posted an update video for the next issue, but the good news is that I've been too focused on helping authors with their articles to worry about making a video. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | New Submission Deadlines

Cover for Issue 13 Call for Submissions

I'm still looking for articles for the next issue, so I've decided to extend the deadlines. Find out how you can get involved, and get in touch with your idea. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #13 | Idea Submissions Due

Cover for Issue 13 Call for Submissions

With work for the next issue underway, I thought I should remind folks that today is the initial deadline to submit your ideas. Read More »