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T.O.F.U. #14 | Cover Reveal

Image contains a dark red background with a silver fork coming up from the bottom of the frame. On the fork, a single piece of asparagus is visible. Both ends of the asparagus are burnt, and the right end has a small stream of smoke coming from it. Above the fork and the asparagus, there are two vertical blocks of text. The larger one on the left says "Smoke Signals". The word "smoke" is in white, and the word "signals" is in green. The smaller block of text says "Is burning out and fading away" in one line and "helping the animals" in another. The words "the animals" are in green. At the very top of the image, there is text that says "T.O.F.U." in white, and within that text there is more text that says "T.O.F.U. Magazine". Just below the white T.O.F.U., there is text that says "Issue 14 Burnout March 2019".

I'm not quite ready to release the new issue just yet, but I am ready to show you the cover. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #14 | Cover Sneak Peek

Image contains a dark red background with a silver fork coming up from the bottom of the frame. On the fork, a single piece of asparagus is visible. However, the image is cropped so that neither the tip or the bottom of the asparagus is visible.

The next issue is almost ready to be released, which means I can give you a peek at the cover (finally). Read More »

T.O.F.U. #14 | January Update

Image contains a photo of a green rice field with a small number of jungle plants and trees to the left, more trees off in the distance, and the branches of one large tree hanging overhead from the right.

For those of you keeping track, you're probably wondering when the next issue will be out. With that in mind, I went for a short walk today to give you an update. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #14 | Progress Report

Image contains a photo of a man sitting on a floor with two dogs. One dog is on his lap and facing the camera with his tongue out, and the other is on the floor staring at the man.

I've been trying to plan a good time to record an update on progress with the next issue, but things never quite fell into place. So, today I decided to just go for it, dogs and all. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #14 | Call For Submissions Extended (Again)

Image contains a notepad with illegible text in black ink and a pen on the left-hand side. In the foreground, there is text in the middle of the screen on a strip of blue that says "T.O.F.U. #14 |" in white and "Call For Submissions" in black. Below the word "submissions", the word "Extended" is in white.

When it comes to rounding-up authors for a new issue, I often take it as a sign that I'm focusing on a good topic when the task proves difficult. With that in mind, the fact that I'm extending the deadline for submissions for #14 again must mean I'm onto something, right? Read More »

T.O.F.U. #14 | Call For Submissions Extended

Image contains a notepad with illegible text in black ink and a pen on the left-hand side. In the foreground, there is text in the middle of the screen on a strip of blue that says "T.O.F.U. #14 |" in white and "Call For Submissions" in black. Below the word "submissions", the word "Extended" is in white.

Thanks to a ridiculous amount of travel and plenty of time with family, it seems time flew by faster than expected over the last two weeks or so and the initial submissions deadline has passed. Read More »