T.O.F.U. #14 | Cover Reveal

The finishing touches are basically done for the next issue, but I want to give the content one more review before everything goes public. Since my eyes are far too tired (it’s almost midnight on Saturday here in Thailand), I don’t trust them to do a final edit tonight. Thus, I’ll be doing it tomorrow.
Once I’m finished, patrons of the magazine through Patreon will be the first to get notice of the issue’s release. After that, newsletter subscribers can expect an announcement email within 24hrs or so, and then the whole thing will go public soon after.
For now though, I thought I would share the cover before I called it a night. Personally, I’m really happy with how it turned out, and I hope you agree.
About the Cover
This was honestly one of those cover concepts that came to me rather easily, which is more than I can say for the issue itself. More on that later though.
As activists, especially ones considering more than a single issue, it’s very easy to burn the candle at both ends. In fact, some might argue you have to burn it more than that to really do all that needs to be done.

So, in continuing with the food theme, it seemed simple enough to replace the proverbial candle with a bit of asparagus. What didn’t turn out to be easy was capturing the smoke from the quickly burning vegetable.
Thankfully, after a bit of kerosene, a surprising number of asparagus (seriously, those things are expensive when you shop on an island in Eastern Canada!), and a little bit of luck, the cover shot happened.
Personally, I like to think the moment we captured represented the point where the asparagus had little more to give, and it’s that moment that this issue set out to focus on.

Note: As always, Devon Crosby was behind the lens, and a tremendous thanks goes out to him for his continued support of this whole project.