Vida Vegan schedule and Your Time Travels contest

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Vida Vegan Schedule

Just a quick update on the conference I will be attending this August, which is only a little over four months away. They posted the conference schedule last week, and it looks like I’m going to be a part of some awesome panels. Of course, the whole thing will be great, but you can’t blame a guy for promoting his own stuff, right? If you’re attending, you can catch me talking about this or that during the Activism, Publishing and Small Town, Represent! panels with several other lovely folks.

Classy – The Vida Vegan Con schedule

Speaking of attending the conference, within the past couple weeks it seems the whole thing sold out! So, if you don’t already have your ticket, you’re going to need to keep an eye out for some of the giveaways the organizers will be doing. Stay tuned to the Vida Vegan blog for more details.

Your Time Travels Contest

And if those contests are not enough for you, it seems there is a great one going on over at Your Time Travels. So, if you’ve ever wanted to plan a vacation that had animals and your ethics in mind, you might want to check out the prizes they’re offering, as well as the services they provide on a daily basis. With celebrity judges including Gene Baur, the President and Co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, and Colleen Holland, Associate Publisher of VegNews, they’re out to find some of the most amazing people who are using their talents to help animals.

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