Forks Over Knives (and a veg diet) approved by Ebert

forks over knives milk truck

Forks Over Knives (

Roger Ebert’s reviews are pretty much a part of my life. I can’t say I follow them closely, but I came to know the man based solely on whether or not he raised a thumb in regards to a movie. Of course, in the past few years I have learned a lot more about him, and I think I’ve come to respect him in many ways. The Esquire piece was what did it for me, and reading his review of Forks Over Knives today added a little more to that.

Granted, he seems to speak more about the message of the movie than the actual movie itself, but isn’t that the point of a film like this? Personally, I have yet to see it, and given where I live I’m unsure if I will get the chance until it makes its way onto iTunes or something similar, but knowing that more people are talking about their diet suggest to me that Forks Over Knives is already a success.

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