Activist first, vegan second.

Somedays I do wish I could see the world in black and white.
To be able to truly not see colour, to know there really is just a right and wrong, and that every story only has two sides would be a rather blissful thing. After all, if I couldn’t see my own ignorance, how could I not be happy?
Sadly, within a few sentences, I’m already finding myself attacking those who inspired me to write this, which puts me in the same boat as them and I’d rather not be pushing that vessel. Even if it is the RMS Vegan.
The Main Course
Don’t rock the boat. It’s an ironic message coming from those on a vessel that I feel is hellbent on doing just that with every other ship in the water. It’s all smooth sailing if everyone picks up a paddle and listens to the chant from the front:
“For the animals!”
“For the animals!”
“For the animals!”
Sure, the idea behind this direction is good, but somewhere along the way I think we’ve gone gravely off course.
Just see what happens the minute you suggest that we keep an eye out for others that might need help or that perhaps we’re really just going in circles: the cruelty-free creed is forgotten.
“Maybe you should spend your time on actual animal rights issues instead of judging women for their decisions and an animal rights organization [PETA] that has turned more people vegan than T.O.F.U. Magazine ever will.”
“bloodthirsty hater(s)”
Frankly, I don’t really want a part of a group that believes building walls and playing the victim while attacking those on the other side is a good strategy. Of course, as my newsfeed seems to suggest, if you slap a vegan-friendly label on it, you’ll be applauded easy enough.
From Ship to Shore
Although it’s obvious that I should at least stop with this metaphor, I also sometimes find myself wondering if the whole ship should sink as well.
Personally, I’m an activist before I’m a vegan, and I don’t see that changing. Over the past few years, I’ve had my world opened a lot more than it ever had been, and it came well after I adopted a vegan lifestyle. Sure, I fought it at first, but I’m incredibly glad that the people who showed me so much were willing to fight with me to do so.
And that’s the key: the willingness to fight for something.
Granted, we all have it in us on some basic level, but for those who have adopted a cause that goes beyond their own survival, I would expect a little more understanding and openness to continue doing just that.
With that in mind, T.O.F.U. is going to continue to focus on issues within the vegan community, as well as those outside of it. The response from the past few issues has suggested that there are others out there who want to change the course of the RMS Vegan, and I’m going to do whatever I can to help them in the hopes that more will join us.
Of course, if I’m wrong, and there is only room for one course of action on this ship, I’ll take my chances swimming to shore.
[Editor’s Note: Links were added to provide context for the quotes.]