Issues With the New Issue

I’ve always tried to be honest with my advertisers, writers, and readers. I don’t like to have anyone living in a fog, myself included. In some cases, this may have even been detrimental to the magazine, but I’d like to think it all works out in the long run. Plus, since the whole thing is pay-what-you-want, it’s not like I’m losing a lot of revenue, right?
With that in mind, I’ve got a confession to make about the new issue: it’s been the most difficult one yet. From all of the changes in my life to contributors dealing with their own moves, academic obligations, and more, I’ve never had so much trouble putting an issue together before.
A Lot Can Happen in Six Months
Back when I decided to start on the new issue and I put out the call for writers, I was living in Montreal and winter was quickly becoming a distant memory. Fast forward to now, and I’ve been living in Costa Rica for over two months. Luckily, winter is still a distant memory, but with plans to head back home to Newfoundland for xmas, it’s going to catch-up with me quickly.
So, to say quitting my job and leaving the country was unexpected back in May would be an understatement, and it certainly didn’t help to keep things on-track. Given the fact that I long ago accepted that T.O.F.U. would focus more on quality than quantity, I wasn’t as adamant about chasing after writers and advertisers as I normally would be if I was sitting still in one place and collecting a steady paycheque.
And so, the months went by as I started to realize I needed to change things in my life, despite loving Montreal, and they continued to pass while I started to settle in here in Ciudad Colon. Luckily, while all of this was happening, people were still taking the time to write and share their thoughts, ideas, and recipes with me. Sure, I had to poke people every now and then, but that was balanced with folks who contacted me and shared their excitement with wanting to be involved.
Worth the Trouble
And that’s what makes it worth it every single time: excitement.
Part of the reason why there are long spans of time between issues is because I only start the whole process when I know what I want the next issue to talk about. Once the focus is established, the call goes out, and work starts.
In the case of this issue, I know a lot of people are passionate about the focus (sexism and veganism), including myself, and I want to make sure the issue does the topic justice. Plus, since so many great people took the time to write, I want them to look great too.
So, yes, I basically just said “sorry it’s taking so long, but it’s going to be awesome and the wait will be worth it!”, but I’d like to think the above version holds a little more weight.
To add to that, I’ve already started working out details for the issue after this one, so hopefully the delay will not be as long. Of course, life often has ways of saying otherwise, but one can always hope, right?
Thanks again for being interested,