#TBT | Spending Time With The Gay Vegans

Photo of Mike and Dan from The Gay Vegans

Recently, I started to think (again) about the fact that publishing T.O.F.U. has led to me gaining so many friendships with incredible people from around the world, and that might be one of the best things to come from it since I started in 2007. Of course, I still have yet to actually meet some of these people face-to-face, but in this day and age that doesn’t seem as necessary to develop some sort of bond.

Lucky for me, two people that I have met are the ones behind The Gay Vegans, and I’m happy to say that the friendships that have come out of making that connection have made my life better in many ways.

Although there are plenty of things I could detail here to explain just why I’m so happy to know both Dan and Mike, I hope many of you already know how great it is to be friends with them. If you haven’t read their blog, watched Dan on Periscope, or talked with them in person, then please do.

Since Dan reached out to me years ago to possibly write a piece for the magazine, he’s been the author of some of my favourite contributions, and one made it into The Book of T.O.F.U. without a second thought. Not only that, when it came time to find someone to write a foreword for the book, I knew I wanted Dan to do it. Lucky for me, he accepted and I still get a little teary-eyed when I read what he wrote.

Road trip to Portland with Dan Hanley

From that first email, we’ve been in touch ever since, and we’ve been lucky enough to spend time together at the Vida Vegan Conference and on two road trips between Denver to Portland and Austin to Denver. In fact, it was our last trip that brought about this post since it was only a year ago that I was hanging out in Denver with Dan and Mike on the last bit of The Wild T.O.F.U. Tour.

During that tour stop, I was able to spend time with both of them, as well as all their animals. They showed me plenty of Denver, which obviously involved a lot of great food, and we also talked a lot about their upcoming move to California. Since this was the second time I had stayed with them in Denver, I knew how big the move was, and I’m happy to see that things have gone great since then.

At this point, I don’t know when I’ll next cross paths with Dan and Mike, but during my travels I’ve come to realize that even just one moment is better than none. Thanks to their kind hearts and openness to meeting new people, I’ve had many great moments with them, and I’ll always be thankful for that.

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