#TBT | Taking the Leap

It’s hard to believe that just over three months ago I posted an episode for my Where Am I Wednesday series on YouTube that was shot back home in Newfoundland and Labrador. In the video, I’m preparing to jump into the lake near where my parents now live full-time, and there’s at least a little hesitation in my steps (partially because I knew the water was cold). At the time, the video seemed like a great way to illustrate the fact that I wasn’t 100% sure if what I was about to do in my life was going to work out, but I was going to do it anyway.
The leap I referenced in the video was my first step to exploring Europe, and I only knew a few points on that map at the time. If you’ve been following my travels through either YouTube or Instagram, then you know how things worked out. Admittedly, my first sit in Ireland was a little rough as I transitioned back to solo travelling and life in a different country, but since then life has been pretty great.
At the time, both Greece and Turkey weren’t even on my map as I was preparing for a flight to Dublin, but things aligned and my adventure saw me flying south from Stockholm to Athens in late October. Soon after arriving, I was joined by my sister and we spent roughly two weeks exploring a wonderful city, as well as Aegina Island, and I can’t wait to return to both again at some point.
Now, I’m nearing the end of my time near Bodrum, Turkey as the home owner returns on Sunday, and I still don’t have any sort of confirmed plan for after that. The rough idea is to spend at least a couple days in Istanbul before heading to SE Asia, but I’ve been dragging my feet on booking anything. Similar to that moment on the rocks back home, I’m hesitating to take the next step. Although I know I have to do something, I’ve become a little comfortable here in my daily routine, and shaking that up is always a little hard to do.
Might As Well Jump
Sure, once my bag is packed and I’m headed to an airport, I’ll probably feel the excitement of a new adventure. Right now though, comfortable is nice. Of course, I’ve never been one to stick with something for too long just because it’s comfortable, and I know I’m not going to change now.
Obviously, I’m speaking only in terms of my situation, and I realize the privilege of being able to change it as often as I do. Even outside of my travels, I’ve been lucky enough to pursue the magazine as my full-time passion, and I’ve actually spent a large part of the last week or so working on the next step in that regard as well. Similar to my upcoming travels, I’ve been hesitating to put that plan into action too.
Despite the fact that I ran a successful Kickstarter and brought the magazine back to print at the start of this year, I’m still afraid that the next step will prove to be a failure. Not surprisingly, that possibility is part of what’s holding me back. There’s something comfortable in the thought of going out on a high note and leaving things as they are, but I think I already mentioned how I feel about sticking with something just because it’s comfortable…
So, I think the time has come in both instances, and I’m (almost) ready to take another leap… even if the water might be colder than I like.