#OurNewNormal | Nice Shoes of Vancouver, BC

Image contains two equal panels. In the right-hand panel, there is a photo of a man in a video conference. Just a little to the left of the man, there is a small photo of a man with a white border around it. In the left-hand panel, there is black text on a light yellow background that says “T.O.F.U. Talks #OurNewNormal Season 03 Episode 08 With Nice Shoes of Vancouver, British Columbia”.

When I first approached my vegan friends about my idea for a series to highlight the experiences of people, organizations, and businesses around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-April, I’m sure none of us could have predicted where things would be at this point almost two months later.

Obviously, in many places the conversation has shifted to other serious issues such as racism and defunding the police, and I’m happy to see that folks on social media have been open to the content I’ve shared related to those topics. For those of us who are white, and even those of us who are not Black, a willingness to address these things within our communities and ourselves is an important step and it seems folks are finally taking it.

Due in part to the need to encourage and have these conversations, I decided last week to no longer schedule any #OurNewNormal sessions. However, I did previously record two sessions before things shifted, and I feel it’s important to share them since the people involved were kind enough to take the time to talk with me. As well, since the pandemic is still ongoing (and may end up worsening as an unfortunate side-effect from the protests), I believe there’s still some value in learning how people are adapting.

On that note, here’s one of the two sessions I recorded late last month.

This time around, I chat with Glenn Gaetz, co-owner of Nice Shoes, about the experience of running a vegan shoe store in Vancouver, British Columbia during the COVID-19 pandemic. From balancing family life and the need to entertain a young child at home to trying to determine just what the best course of action is for their nine-year old company in the coming months, Glenn and I talk about plenty of the ins and outs of running a small business while dealing with a new normal.

To find out more about Nice Shoes, and maybe order something, please visit their website.

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