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T.O.F.U. #11 | Table of Contents

Cover for Issue 11 Table of Contents

When I set out to find authors for issue eleven, I didn't quite know how it was going to turn out. Luckily, the next issue is filled with great pieces by wonderful people, and I'm happy to now share the list with you. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #11 | Drawing a Line in the Sand

Cover for Issue Eleven Patreon Deadline

Since I've found my energy to work on the magazine again, I've started thinking about future issues. Of course, that first means I need to release issue #11, which is why I'm setting a deadline. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #11 | Cover Reveal

Cover for T.O.F.U. #11

It's finally time to reveal the cover for the eleventh issue of the magazine, and I'm happy to also share with you just why the visual concept was so a-peeling to me. Read More »

TBT | Still Fighting, Ten Years Later

Cover for T.O.F.U. Issue One

It's hard to believe ten years has passed, and I couldn't have come this far without readers like you. However, it seems I'm in need of you now more than ever, and I'm hoping you'll help. Read More »

Where Are All the Long-Term Vegans?

Cover for Old Vegans Where Art Thou

Sure, the number of vegans seems to be growing, but where are those who were onboard back when being vegan was a punchline in a movie or maybe even before the word was mentioned in movies? Read More »

The Good, the Bad, and the Outtakes

The Good, the Bad, and the Outtakes

A month has passed since I launched the Patreon campaign for T.O.F.U., and I have to admit that things are not going as I had expected them to. Read More »