Viewing Archives for nutrition

WAIW | Am I A Vegan With A B12 Deficiency?

Image contains a photo of a fence covered in green leaves and vines.

If you're vegan or vegetarian, taking a vitamin B12 supplement is something you should do in order to avoid ending up like me. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #11 | Cover Reveal

Cover for T.O.F.U. #11

It's finally time to reveal the cover for the eleventh issue of the magazine, and I'm happy to also share with you just why the visual concept was so a-peeling to me. Read More »

Review | Becoming Vegan (Comprehensive Edition)

Cover for Becoming Vegan

Becoming Vegan has been a great resource for veg folks for years, but does the comprehensive edition really add to the wealth of information it already provides? Find out what Katie thinks after pouring over its nearly 500 pages. Read More »