WAIW | Then There Were Three

Image contains a photo of a dog with yellow fur and a red collar laying down on a tile floor in the foreground. In the background, the legs of a wooden chair and table can be see. Behind the furniture, a black dog is visible. Near the black dog, a toy truck is also visible.

I flew to Chiang Mai, Thailand yesterday and I was dreading facing the fact that another dog passed while I was away. However, I've been too busy dealing with something else to really face the loss so far. Read More »

TBT | Printing T.O.F.U.

Image contains a photo of a person holding a large sheet of black paper. In the centre of the paper, there is a yellow circle that looks like Pac-Man and some text above it. Behind the person, there are evergreen trees and snow.

Although the magazine itself hasn't been commercially printed in a long time, that hasn't stopped readers from doing it themselves. Read More »

WAIW | Dancing With a Cat

Image contains a photo of a mainly orange cat sitting on a multi-coloured mat while looking up at the camera.

I've sat plenty of needy animals over the years that I've been house sitting, but this cat is the first one that really needs to bite my feet whenever I'm in the kitchen. Read More »

T.O.F.U. #16 | Call for Submissions

Image contains a notepad with illegible text in black ink and a pen on the left-hand side.

It's time to start working on another issue, and this time around T.O.F.U. is tackling hero worship. No, not the movie kind. Read More »

WAIW | Air Quality in Saigon

Image contains a photo of a man wearing a blue mask around the lower half of his face. The shoulders of the man are visible, and he's standing against a wall that is mostly white.

Although last year's burning season in Chiang Mai, Thailand was worse, the air quality in Saigon, Vietnam has been surprisingly bad as of late. Read More »

Vegan Travel | 2019: Year-in-Review

Image contains a photo of a small black dog facing away from the camera on a green lawn. In the background, the blue water of a pool is visible before a number of trees and a small white pool building. Above this, there are blue clouds.

2019 was a year marked with some pretty heavy moments due to numerous deaths, but there were still plenty of things to be thankful for as well. Read More »