WAIW | Dealing With Ghosts

Image contains four silver dog bowls from a birds-eye view. The bowls are on an off-white countertop.

If ghosts are what's left behind after a loss, then I've been dealing with a bunch of them lately. Read More »

Review | Kiss or Cook? by LuLu Lotus

Image contains a shopping cart filled with cartoon vegetables and animals on a white background. Above the cart, black text says "Kiss or Cook?" and above that smaller text says "Teaching children compassion for our animal friends featuring rescue animals from around the world". Below the cart, more small, black text says "Written & illustrated by LuLu Lotus".

Amanda is back with another vegan kids' book review, and this one comes with a question. Read More »

T.O.F.U. Talks: Fat Positivity This Sunday

Image contains a white background with black text that says "T.O.F.U. Talks" above a black line with a small indent in the centre pointing below to text that says "Fat Positivity (With Chelsea Lincoln, Jenny Marie, and Andy Tabar)".

I've rescheduled December's T.O.F.U. Talk on fat positivity, and I'm happy to say it's happening this Sunday. Read More »

WAIW | A Sudden Loss

Image contains a white dog centred in the photo. The dog is looking to the right of the camera, and he's laying on green grass with trees in the background.

After four years of housesitting and countless cats and dogs coming and going in my life during my travels, this morning I was finally faced with the difficult task of starting the day with one less animal in my care than the day before. Read More »

Review | Vegan Adventures with Barnyard Friends

Image contains a red barn in the background. The sun is shining in a clear blue sky behind it. In the foreground, there are four animals: a cow, pig, sheep, and duck.

With stories, activities, and recipes, find out if the new children's book release from Matt Bennett held the attention of Amanda's vegan kid. Read More »

Review | Rawsome Superfoods by Emily von Euw

Image contains a white background with a series of four images of food at the top. Below the image on the right-hand side there is black text that says "100 Nutrient-Packed Recipes Using Nature's Hidden Power to Help You Feel Your Besr". Below the images and text, there is centred black text in a bigger font that says "Rawsome Superfoods".

Em von Euw is back with another cookbook, and Katie's here to let you know if this one is just as great as the others. Read More »