Viewing Archives for social media

T.O.F.U. is Now on Medium

Image contains a white background with the word "medium" in the middle.

Thanks to recent issues with Facebook, it's obvious that T.O.F.U. needs to depend on other platforms more. Recently, one of those spaces is Medium. Read More »

WAIW | Restricted by Facebook

Photo contains a man with a beard looking directly at the camera. From the right-hand side, a hand and arm can be seen, and the hand is covering the man's mouth.

After over a decade of running a Facebook page, T.O.F.U. has never had any direct issues with the company. That changed last Saturday, and it came at a pretty terrible time. Read More »

WAIW | Transphobia & Gender Reveal Parties

Image contains a photo of two dogs being walked. One dog is red and the other is white with black patches. The two dogs are on leashes, which can be seen coming from the bottom of the screen toward the dogs. In the background, there is a small road, blue sky, and trees and bushes. Above the dogs, there is white text that says "Transphobia & Gender Reveal Parties" and below the dogs the text says "Where Am I Wednesday".

Today's WAIW episode started from a post about gender reveal parties and why they're problematic, but it's really about more than that. Read More »

WAIW | Fake News From the Left?

Image contains a photo of two dogs being walked. One dog is all black and the other is a dark yellow. The two dogs are on leashes, which can be seen coming from the bottom of the screen toward the dogs. In the background, there is a small road, blue sky, and trees and bushes.

Whether you're on the right or the left, sharing content without critically viewing it is a dangerous habit to get into. Given what we're fighting for, it's something we all have to try and stop. Read More »

TBT | Talking Politics With Dan Hanley

Image contains a white background with black text that says "T.O.F.U. Talks" above a black line with a small indent in the centre pointing below to text that says "Politics (With Dan Hanley of The Gay Vegans)"

Roughly a year later, I'm still having fun with the T.O.F.U. Talks series, so I thought a throwback to the first one was in order today. Read More »

T.O.F.U. is Now About Cats

Image contains a white background with black text in the centre. The text says "T.O.F." and there is a cartoon outline of a cat's face with whiskers to the right of the text. Below this, in a smaller font, there is text that says "Totally and Obviously Feline"

A new month is upon us, and with it comes a change for the magazine. It might seem dramatic, but the numbers suggest it's for the best. Read More »