T.O.F.U. is Now on Medium

Given the recent issues with Facebook, it’s become even clearer that developing an audience outside of social media is crucial. Since it seems that I can have my page restricted without any solid explanation or a chance to argue my case, depending on Facebook to showcase the content I create is simply not as reliable as I need it to be. Plus, it’s becoming very much a pay-to-promote platform, which is a game I can’t really get involved in given the financial structure of the magazine.
With that in mind, along with focusing on posting content on here, I’m also going to be dabbling in using Medium. So far, I’ve posted one story and the reception was pretty promising. I’m not entirely sure where things will go from here with it, but I did publish another story today. Readers of the blog will recognize it, but hopefully other folks will find it for the first time.
If you use Medium, feel free to suggest some accounts for me to follow. Also, I believe it’s possible to submit stories to be considered for T.O.F.U.’s publication page, so you’re welcome to do that as well. You can find the magazine here.
For now, thanks for checking out the blog instead of depending on Facebook for all your info. Obviously, it’s not the best strategy to use in this day and age.