T.O.F.U. #15 | A Preview

Image contains a black background with a yellow circular object coming up from the bottom of the frame. The visible middle portion of the object is missing, and it looks like a mouth. Above the object, there are two blocks of text. The larger one, just below the middle of the image, says "Making Change". The word "Making" is in white, and the word "Change" is in orange. The smaller block of text below says "Will simply eating all the vegan things" in one line and "save the world?" in another. The words "save the world?" are in orange. Just above the text, there is a small brown piece of what looks like ground beef. At the very top of the image, there is text that says "T.O.F.U." in white, and within that text there is more text that says "T.O.F.U. Magazine". The word “T.O.F.U.” is in orange. Just below the white T.O.F.U., there is text that says "Issue 15 Capitalism November 2019”.

After the snafu with Facebook cut into my promotional campaign for the new issue, I’m still working on spreading the word and will be for the rest of the week or a little longer. With that in mind, I thought I would take the time today to set-up a preview so you can get an idea of just what’s inside the release that focuses on veganism and capitalism.

And gardening.

Well, at least in the case of the first article in the issue, which is the one I included with the teaser. So, if you’re curious to see just what Kenya Gutteridge had to say about capitalism, gardening, and more, check out the preview here.

If you’re on a mobile device, head here instead.

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